Go Goa and Always Go Goa
Goa, The Place to Be in 💙 Travelling. One word and the swarm of feelings it carries. It's delightful to move somewhere as something on this Earth and even more joyous to move places and places in quest of self. To Travel isn't actually a verb but a noun. Poetically so. It is essential for the soul to Travel and find likings or similarities in this vast sphere we all are a part of. Travelling breathes life to the monotonicity of our lives. I've found my love in many places apart from home. Home being the need and goal of life, of course, is a part of life. But these places actually hold significance just in taste with Home. One such is Goa. Goa. The word, the place, the geography and all adjectives of happiness merge skillfully in. It's a gifted place. People tend to portray various notions and reasons for travelling this particular land. Some have the reason for enjoying surf-sun-and-sand. Some have ...